Welcome to Horley Methodist Church

Our church is more than just a building; it is a living community that has many members with a diversity of gifts. This website is very much a part of that. As you view these pages you will find a range of different activities and people.

Horley Methodist Church is part of the Redhill and East Grinstead circuit which also includes  Reigate and Crawley. As a circuit we are part of the South East District of the Methodist Church.

At HMC. we desire and strive together to better live out what it means to be a Christian in today’s world. Our focus and hopes as a church are directly related to the experiences we have had as we walk together as a congregation.

Coffee at the 3:16 Cafe
Enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in peace and quiet.
Tables and Chairs for Room Hire
We have rooms/halls available for hire with parking.
Events Calendar
View upcoming events in our church.
Christmas Tree Festival Image
See the activities for 2024 Christmas Tree Festival.
Children at Church
FiTCH is our Sunday morning club for children.
Christianity which derive their practice and belief from the teachings of John Wesley.
Make a donation to help us grow
We welcome donations to support are charitable causes. Please help us grow.
Flying Pidgeon
Why not join us in Celebrating our senses with the Flower Festival.

Churches of Horley Foodbank

The Horley Food Bank started on 4th February 2015 in response to a need in the local community. It is staffed by volunteers from the local churches and provides food and toiletries to those suffering a short-term crisis. Horley Food Bank offers support to anyone in need regardless of background including age, gender, ethnicity, sexuality, disability, people of all faiths and none.

What We Do
We offer free emergency food and basic toiletries to those in crisis and will help them as part of a package of support being offered by local agencies such as CAB, probation services, children’s centres, health visitors, doctors’ surgeries, social services, housing trusts, the police and local schools. Whatever your situation, we offer a warm welcome, sign posting and a listening ear. Click on logo to visit website

Latest Information

    There are no news items to display at the moment. We will bring them to you as soon as they are made available by the Methodist Church.

Regular Events


10:00am – 11:00am Morning Service
10:00am – 11:00am FiTCH (Junior Church)

Wednesdays (Ten to Eleven)

10.30am – 11:00am
Spend a short time in the stillness and peace of church for prayer or quiet reflection. Members and non-members are all welcome. The ‘3:16’ Cafe is opened from 11:00am